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How is the colour chosen?

The choice of colour depends on your natural hair colour. Maria will discuss suitable colour options to find the best match.


What is the difference with cosmetic pigments and ink?

The difference between cosmetic tattoo pigments and tattoo inks; Cosmetic Tattoo Pigment Colours are softer in order to be suitable for use on your face. They are all pre-mixed and pasteurised. Tattoo inks are bright colours used for decorating the body and are much too bright for cosmetic tattoo purposes.


What should I expect after the treatment?

Immediately after your treatment the colour will appear darker and more pronounced. After 7-10 days when the body's natural exfoliation process occurs the colour will fade and be less prominant. Resulting in perfectly natural looking brows. Itching is very likely to occus after your treatment, do not scratch or pick as you will remove pigment from your skin. It is perfectly natural and is a great sign that healing is taking place. 

Will my cosmetic tattoo treatment hurt?

Anaesthetic is used prior to treatment as well as during the procedure to provide as little discomfort as possible. Sensitivity varies from client to client. Some clients experience mild discomfort and a slight stinging sensation. 


How many treatments are needed?

Two treatments are needed to ensure colour penetration. Your initial treatment as well as a touch up treatment 4-6 weeks after your initial treatment. As the skin heals you may lose some pigment from the skin, this is why the touch up is necessary for implanting that pigment back in to ensure a perfect result. Some clients may need a third treatment if they have oily skin. 


How long will my cosmetic tattoo last?

Depending on your skin type, sun exposure, lifestyle and choice of colour it can last between 6 months to two years.  It also depends on how well your skin holds the pigment. Maria recommends a touch up every 12-18 months to keep your cosmetic tattoo in great condition with a crisp beautiful colour. Eyebrow Feather Touch will need a touch up between 12-18 months. Eyeliner treatments tend to last longer, so you may need your touch up after two years. 


Will the treatment hurt?

Anaesthetics are used to numb the treatment area pre and during the procedure. Some clients may experience slight discomfort and a stinging sensation, some clients only experience a tickling feeling.


When can I go back to work?

Most clients show mild swelling and/or redness after their treatment. The colour will be quite dark at first but it does soften within 10 days. For Eyebrow Feather Touch you may return to work as soon as you like. Eyeliner treatments can show slight redness and puffiness so you can return to work as soon as you like but I suggest taking one day to recover. 


Is it likely to get an infection?

There is very minimal risk of infection as So Smooth Cosmetic Tattoo and Beauty as Maria holds a very high hygiene standard for health and safety. All implements, pigments, needles, gloves etc used to perform your treatment are one use only! Antibiotic cream is to be used for 7-10 days to prevent infection. A small sample container will be given to you after your treatment to use at home. 

How is the shape of my cosmetic tattoo treatment determined?

Once your numbing cream has taken effect an alcohol wipe is used to cleanse and steralise the area. Then Maria will measure and draw the desired shape with a sharpened and steralised brow pencil. Once you and Maria agree to the desired shape the process can begin.  


What will affect my cosmetic tattoo?

Sun exposure fades your pigment faster. Use sunblock to protect your treatment from fading. Some clients regenerate faster than others; the longer it takes to regenerate the longer the pigment will hold. Some colours fade quicker than others. For example, lighter colours fade faster than darker colours.

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